A conference for health and care professionals to explore how we can better utilise data to design and deliver efficient and effective services.

Building on the success of the launch event in December 2023, the HSJ Health & Care Intelligence Forum will bring together CIOs, CDOs, social care leaders, health and data analysts, and board-level decision makers to discuss and advance the strategic development of the data and analytics capabilities across the NHS.

The focus will be on maximising the impact of data and analytics in driving smarter decision-making and generating a more efficient, preventative and personalised health and care system.



Why should you attend...

  • A one-day conference co-located with the HSJ Virtual Care Forum and the HSJ Care Closer to Home Forum (same day, same venue) with the HSJ Digital Awards taking place in the evening  
  • Uniting senior leaders from trusts, ICBs, and NHSE system leaders, plus local authority social care professionals   
  • Collaborate, learn and discuss key topics such as data, analytics and intelligence to optimise health equity, population health, operational efficiencies, service redesign and financial decision making  
  • Your attendance is fully funded by HSJ and our event partners, with no cost to you

Next steps...

1. Book time out in your diary 
2. Register for your complimentary place... 

What did people say about last year...



Plenary sessions will cover the overarching themes that concern all practitioners and decision-makers:

  • Policy and national guidance updates  
  • Realising the value of analytics to move intelligence from a reporting function to a change enabler and how to practically shift towards a predictive and preventative system  
  • Using data responsibly: the ethical, governance, public involvement and regulatory considerations  
  • Leveraging data and analytics to enhance population health   
  • Better data for better decisions: gathering the right data, preventing data bias and driving system-wide intelligence  
  • Better decisions and outcomes: data-driven service and workforce redesign, tackling inequalities and evidence-based allocative efficiency  
  • Practical applications: driving impact through uniting the data and analytics capabilities of the NHS and life sciences sector, practical AI applications, realising the benefits of data science for clinicians  



What our delegates say

" Useful opportunity to engage in digital and data conversations with other senior leaders "
" Really useful to see what's going on around the NHS and a chance to network. "
" A great opportunity to get up to speed with developments in digital informatics. "
" A much needed start to bring focus to applied data and analytics in healthcare, which will evolve with time. "
" Exceeded my expectations with a good mix of pragmatic clinical analytics and more advanced work "
" Most interesting event attended in a long while "

Be an event partner

Partnership opportunities:  Sponsorship Sales team
Delegate enquiries: Delegate Sales team